Emily Finzel, Ph.D.
My research focuses on sedimentary processes in modern and ancient depositional environments. One strand of my research involves deciphering the tectonic record contained within a stratigraphic section by integrating sedimentologic analyses, geologic mapping, detrital geochronology (U-Pb and Hf isotopes), mudstone geochemistry (rare earth elements), and heavy mineral and petrographic provenance analyses. More recently, we have started investigating geochemical proxies in marginal marine environments as proxies for environmental and paleosaline conditions, which has implcations for how fast coastlines move in response to climate change. My courses include Sedimentary Geology (required for the Geoscience B.S. and Environmental Geosciences B.S. and an elective for the Environmental Hydrosciences B.S.), Geologic Field Methods (required for Geoscience B.S. and an optional field course for the Environmental Geosciences B.S.), and Geologic Field Analysis (required for Geoscience B.S.). I also team-teach two upper-level undergraduate/graduate elective courses that alternate in the spring semesters: Mineral and Petroleum Exploration and Tectonics and Basin Analysis.
- Earth and Environmental Sciences