Biosciences Track
The Environmental Biosciences Track provides the essential skills for entry-level positions that require a good knowledge of biotic systems and the ability to inventory biologic resources. This track aims to produce scientists capable of tackling environmental problems in which links/interactions with life sciences are crucial and a greater knowledge of biological/ecological sciences is required. It also lays a strong foundation for graduate or professional training in disciplines such as ecology, wildlife management, and natural resource management.

Chemical Sciences Track
The Environmental Chemical Sciences Track provides the essential skills for entry-level positions that require a basic understanding of chemical principles and a working knowledge of basic chemical concepts as applied in the environment. This track aims to produce scientists capable of tackling environmental problems in which chemical and molecular processes play an important role. It also lays a strong foundation for graduate or professional training in environmental chemistry.

Geosciences Track
The Environmental Geosciences Track provides the essential skills for entry-level positions that require a basic understanding of geologic principles and a working knowledge of basic geologic concepts applied in the environmental industry. This track aims to produce scientists capable of tackling environmental problems in which earth materials and surficial geologic processes are most important. It also lays a strong foundation for graduate study in environmental geology, engineering geology, and natural hazards assessment.

Hydrosciences Track
The Environmental Hydrosciences Track provides the essential skills for entry-level positions that require a basic understanding of geologic principles and a working knowledge of hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry. This track produces scientists capable of tackling environmental problems that emphasize hydrogeologic systems and for which greater knowledge of hydrogeology and water chemistry are essential. It also lays a strong foundation for graduate education in hydrogeology, hydrology, geochemistry, and aqueous chemistry.